Thursday, January 7, 2010

Week 1 !

Well, this week I took the first step in really starting my goal of not buying any new clothes for 1 year. My last purchase of clothing was on December 15th, and it was a LOVELY red sweater from American Eagle...sigh. It's rather tight right now considering my expanding boobs and stomach, ( I often wonder where the baby really is, my chest or tummy), but anyhow, that was it. (Just a sidenote, I DID purchase two new bras last week BUT my 36 is no longer fitting in a 34 and I can breathe better now! Plus, it's an OKAY item!!)

Let me list my rules in more specific detail now and then I can show you what I did this week!


1.No buying any new clothes for myself from January 1st 2010 to January 1st 2011.

*Exception* Here is what I CAN buy new:
* nursing/regular bras
* underwear
* socks

(Seeing as how I will be having a baby in April, my boobs truly take on a life of their own, as well as my feet and backside SO unless I wanna scare people away, I need to have some of REALLY good support system in place for these things.)

2. If someone gives me clothes for a present, that's fine but that also means I cannot talk my husband into buying me those Express Jeans I want or he loses a limb. If I get a gift card or gift certificate, I cannot use it to buy new clothes unless it's on my okay list. I think that basically covers it.

Now, WHY am I doing this again? I have had a few people tell me I am insane, or I can't last, or it's a dumb idea, but here's why I am doing it. I belive in living within one's means, I believe that happiness CAN be found in simple things and not JUST material things, I believe I have believed in the past that I am a better person when I look nice and have the latest styles. Here's what I am trying to accomplish in this task:
*learning to like myself without having to put a new, pretty shirt on first
* saving money
* wearing what I have already and appreciating that I have had the means to buy clothes I am comfortable in
*living what I preach

When I sat down and looked through 2009 spending habits, I found I averaged $200 a month on new clothes for myself. That's $2400 in on year on clothes, and frankly I think that's insane considering what we bring in a year, financially. That's just for me. If I can go one year without spending any money on new clothes, that's $2400 saved to go for a house down payment, or retirement, but money I think can be spent better somewhere else.
Now, to get down and into the nitty gritty...

I sat down and did an inventory of all my clothes, yes ALL of them. (Please keep in mind I am currently wearing maternity clothes and did not count those.)

Here is what I found I had:

Jeans- 18 pairs
T shirts, tank tops and cami's- 74
Long sleeved shirts and blouses- 55
Skirts, shorts and nice slacks- 23

Is your jaw on the floor yet?
Now, for some pictures....

The jean pile. I was rather awestruck thinking that if I wore one pair everyday I wouldn't have to wash any jeans for over 2 weeks!!!

Just SOME of the t shirts, the rest are in this box already neatly packed.

One of the 4 rubbermaids I packed clothes away in.

Now, after I packed the rubbermaid under-the-bed boxes, I cleaned out my closet and here is what it now looks like.

My clothes are on the left, hubby's on right. We have a rather smal bedroom so we don't have a dresser, instead those awesome rubbermaid drawers.

Now, what I did was keep all my maternity clothes out, plus those that still fit me or will after baby is born. ( I guess after you have baby #4 you have quite the stockpile of *transition* clothes, so you see a lot of that in there. Had I not been pregnant, I still planned on putting some clothes away and basically halving my wardrobe and seeing how long I could go that way.

It was truly SHOCKING for me to put all my clothes on my bed and see what I had. There were shirts in there I haven't worn in 2 years, but still fit, I still really like and just got shoved back to the hiding part of the closet.

So, this week was mostly a cleansing stage and a place to start. I will be updating my blog ever Friday and thank you for reading so far.

Love and laughter,

Monday, December 14, 2009

And so it begins...

Whew! My first blog on my new blogspot! I feel so, well, new. If only I could smell like a new car now...

Anyhow, welcome! This blog came about because after much introspection I have decided to start a year long goal into NOT purchasing any new clothes. I am a stay-at-home Mom to three, soon to be four, kiddos and with that, I am trying to tweak my budgeting and saving money to an artform. My husband is in the Navy, and while I am thankful for current job security, it doesn't pay in gold and racing horses, although my oldest daughter would be thrilled with the horses part. Basically, I want to live within my means. After many years of spending money on credit cards, getting out of debt, getting back into debt, I have decided to say enough is enough. If it can be done with a credit card, I have done it. My first plastic disaster was a $100 limit to a Macy's-like department store that I got the DAY I turned 18. I maxed that puppy out in 2 minutes on a pair of khaki, cargo Guess pants. They were truly amazing, but 12 years later I see that total of over $200 I am sure I paid for them when all was said and done was nowhere near their worth. (Even though, in my defense, I would like to add they truly were a lasting piece in my wardrobe and fashion spectrum for 3 years until an unfortunate strawberry jam incident. )
From then I got a Victoria's Secret card, Express card, Limited card and finally a visa card through who knows now what bank. I could always justify using them. I had a bad day and deserved a *treat*. I was on my period and needing a pair of pants that didn't make me feel like an endangered whale. I had a hot date and needed that one new shirt that would tastefully show off my wife-worthy and child-rearing-potential cleavage without coming across as a short-haired slut. I was simply bored and pretty underwear makes a dull day fun instantly. Yes, I was the credit card Queen. But then something happened. I got married. No, not to one of my credit cards even though I REALLY did love that Victoria's Secret card, I married this amazing, hardoworking man who.... drum roll please... didn't own a credit card and didnt believe in the things. ( I didn't even need a new, fancy shirt to snag him either!) Without going into the past ten years of marriage, it did take me a while to finally see that paying for things with borrowed money is always dangerous.

Which, leads us here. My downfall has always been clothes. From the time I can remember, I was trying on different outfits all day long. My Barbies, thank to a Mom and Grandma who could sew, had THE best wardrobe in all of playland, and when I hit about 12 I spent HOURS in the mirror putting on my mother's wiped make-up, only to wipe it off shortly after. I love fashion. I love make-up. I love being a girl. Now don't get me wrong. I don't carry a small dog around, pretend the world is made of gumdrops and sequins, I can talk *car* with the best of em. ( I have older brothers.) But I was made to adore clothes. Shoes, earrings, scarves! I love the feeling of bracelets clanging together, or the sound of heels as you walk down the pavement. (My first *heels( were jelly shoes I wore as my feet bled JUST so I could hear the *click click* sound. Prom was all about the dress, and sadly, could have cared less about the date. (Sorry guy!) But as I got older, things became more expensive and then I became a Mom.

While becoming a Mom was obviously life changing for many reasons, one of the reasons that ended up sneaking up on me was that I no longer took time to enjoy the delicacies of fashion I once had. I started buying Parenting magazine instead of Marie Claire, I no longer wore earrings( they hurt when ripped out by 6 month olds). Even fitted shirts became hard to wear when one is breastfeeding. ( Unless of course you peel your entire shirt off.) Sneakers were so much more comfortable than any heels I owned, and my hair found itself thrown into mayhem on the top of my head in a scrunchie. Oh yeah, it was a life of people wondering if I was currently under with the flu or just out and about on laundry day. And it bummed me out. Now let me just say, I understand this is truly a tiny affliction in the scheme of things. There is cancer, disease, hunger and the works rampant in this world, and I do keep that in my head when bitching about itty bitty little nothings, but I also know you have to life the life you were given and I wasn't happy with myself. I adored my kids, especially when they sweetly slept, and I loved being a wife, but I felt like I was a walking around Miss Potato Head. ( I think she actually had better make-up then me.) So I started dressing the way I wanted to again. Problem being, I went a WEE bit overboard. To save you all the boredom of my incredible finds I couldn't live without, I started buying clothes I liked again, took time to put on make-up, wore jewelry again, yada yada yada. But I soon came to see how my obsession was what a lot of our money was going to a month, even paying cash, and with having a family of 5 and what our take home pay is, it just felt like something had to give. But I didn't want to give up what I loved... so.....

I looked through my closet one day and actually counted out how many blouses I had. 21. How many t shirts I had. 34. Jeans. 14 pairs. Shoes. 21 pairs. What the... I realized I had focused more on quantity than even caring WHAT I owned. So, a few months ago I decided to try something I had wanted to try before but never thought I could have the self discipline for... go one year without buing any new clothes. (There are a few exceptions I will list in a minute.) I sat down 2 weeks ago and literally tore my closet apart. I basically halved my wardrobe. Half of my clothes went into plastic under-the-bed storage bins, and the rest stayed in my closet.

And here we are at the question and journey I am now entering... can I go one full year without buying any new clothes?

Here are the rules I made for myself...
No new clothes, shoes, jewlery, etc

* Nursing bras are ok ( I am pregnant afterall and if you have breastfed you know you go through those things like edible panties at a bachelor party)
*Underwear ( Along the same lines that I am indeed pregnant, my ever expanding rear needs covering and I won't know exactly how much of a tent it will need until, well it gets bigger)
* Gift cards ( If I happen to get a gift card for a birthday that is for a specific store, that's ok)

So, here shall follow my posts and my ups and downs, there will be many downs, into NOT buying new clothes for a year. I will delve more into this as time goes on, but for now a little 7 year old is calling to make a gingerbread house with me. I must oblige.

Love and laughter,
